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Block 21 started with a simple idea… To make our passion for fashion a profession.
We offer some of the most famous and popular streetwear & fashion brands in the market, such as Herschel, HUF, Obey, Stance, Edwin and many more…
We choose brands with authentic stories and a lot of energy that belong to the most creative subcultures.
Okay, we may be a little biased ... but we have more than 10 years of experience in choosing the best trends and products on the market.
Our dream is to introduce more and more people to the world of streetwear fashion.
This is the reason why, after 3 stores in Athens and Syros, we are excited to belong to the "electronic world" of fashion.Whatever clothes you are looking for, regardless of your style, Block 21 dresses you from top to toenails, with the best pieces from the best streetwear brands.